Societe Generale: stock market promises extremely low profitability

Societe Generale does not expect great prospects for earnings on the stock market. He published a graph, illustrating the probability for active players to get income, and called this forecast the darkest in the entire history. The bank advises investors to focus on buying index funds instead of individual stocks. His analysts conducted a study among 16 thousand companies, revealing how their shares have changed in price. It turned out that in comparison with the dynamics of the S&P 500 broad market index at securities have a rather weak chance of growth. Probability the fact that in a year one of them will show the best profitability, than the index, the bank equates to 30%, and after two - to 20%. At the same time, experts note that high rates S&P 500 growth is not related to management success of the companies included in it, but with the fact that all more sophisticated financial products. According to research from the University of Arizona, during the last 30 years, the growth of the stock market has been based only on 1.3% - 1% of the total number of shares.