IMF expects significant growth in government debt

Over the next four years, the U.S. government debt will increase to 134% of GDP, predicts the International Monetary Fund. It expects a significant increase in the cost of its servicing, which amounted to $475 billion in 2022 - in the next 10 years it will soar to $10.6 trillion, reports

China's government debt has also grown significantly, and the IMF expects it to reach 100% of GDP by 2026. In the period from 2005 to 2027, its ratio to gross product will increase 4 times, according to the Fund.

The total world debt has been growing for many years; in the first quarter of this year it approached $305 trillion. In 2020 it first amounted to almost 100% of GDP, but subsequently this ratio has slightly decreased. Nevertheless, according to the fund's forecast, the ratio will return to this level in the next 5 years and will continue to grow - by 2027 it is expected to reach 99.5% of global GDP. The situation will cause concern among market participants as to how the authorities of the countries will react given the high interest rates and slowing GDP growth, the publication notes.