IMF downgraded forecast for global economic growth

The world economy is on the brink of an unprecedented crisis. This opinion was voiced last week by the World Monetary Fund, sharply lowered its forecast for global GDP. As a result of this year, he expects it to decline by 4.9% (previous forecast was -3%). The foundation motivated its revision by the fact that the damage caused the global economy with the coronavirus pandemic in the first half of the year, turned out to be more than expected. Therefore, one should expect that she will recover at a slower pace. In the USA the fund expects GDP to fall by 8%, Europe - by 10.2%, Japan - by 5.8%. At the same time in China, according to the IMF, the end of the year will show an increase of 1%. Earlier, growth was expected in India, but now the fund predicts drop in this country by -4.5%. According to the IMF, investor sentiment and dynamics on financial markets do not correspond to the real economic situation, which may very negatively affect financial conditions.