BoA predicts continued high inflation in the U.S. over the next 10 years

Inflation in the U.S. will continue to remain high over the next decade, according to Bank of America. Its low level and near-zero interest rates, observed in the past 20 years, is an aberration from the usual state of affairs, reports the opinion of bank experts Fortune magazine.

In the previous century, the U.S. economy was in stagnation, but now it has been replaced by macroeconomic instability, says BoA, which, among other things, contributed to fundamental changes in the labor market and too little investment in the energy industry. In this case, the bank notes that developed countries to reduce inflation from 5% to 2% will take an average of ten years. In the United States, it was 8.2% in September. The BoA points out that in the current year in the wage sector of average American workers is expected to increase inflation to 6%, which is a record value over the past 45 years. It will be difficult for the country's authorities to cope with it, the bank warns.